Micro- and nano-technologies together with sensing and wireless innovations have been emerging recently as essential assets to enhance healthcare and life-science investigations. Cost and care efficiency, quality and efficacy in hospitals, as well as pharmacology and science discoveries have obtained great benefits from multidisciplinary researches. While micro- and nano-fabrication provided miniaturized sensors and systems with better sensitivity, selectivity and longevity at minimal power consumption; wireless technology and innovations in electronics helped in cutting healthcare cost, bringing convenience to patients and establishing distanced care which was recently defined as personalized- and tele-medicine of the mobile-health (m-Health) network. Towards this end, the objectives of HERO laboratory are to introduce a paradigm shift of applying innovative engineering tools for biological investigations and to bridge expertise in different fields providing novel healthcare devices.

Here are our current projects

  1. Acquisition and analysis of electrocardiogram in zebrafish for cardiac disease studies and drug screening
  2. Development of wireless pH sensing systems for biological and environmental monitoring
  3. Acquisition and extraction of fetal ECG and maternal ECG via an unobtrusive patch and a cloud system
  4. Non-contact electrode-based devices for electrophysiological monitoring
  5. Micro/nanofluidic devices for isolation and assessment of mitochondria
  6. EEG acquisition and analysis in rodents and humans for studies of neurological diseases, focusing on traumatic brain injury and epilepsi
  7. Dual L-glutamate/GABA microprobes to study the role of early life sleep disruption toward autism using the prairie vole model
  8. Acquisition and analysis of electrophysiology in Xenopus

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